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    1. 15 game format (A, B, & C Divisions) of both 501 (8 games) and cricket (7 games).
    2. Format is 2-501, 2-cricket, 1-501. Then 1-501, 2-cricket, 2-501, then 2-cricket, 2-501, 1-cricket.
    3. 2 Players play 5 games against each other then switch with 2 other players who then play the same format. After you switch with the other 2 players you and your opponent are to score the other 2 players 5 games alternatively until the 5 games are complete. Home player scores 7 games, away player scores 8 games. You do this 3 times until all 15 games are complete.
    4. 10 game format (D & Women's Division) of both 501 (6 games) and cricket (4 games).
    5. Format is 01, 01, Crk, Crk, 01 then 01, Crk, Crk, 01, 01
    6. 2 Players play 5 games against each other then switch with 2 other players who then play the same format. After you switch with the other 2 players you and your opponent are to score the other 2 players 5 games alternatively until the 5 games are complete. You do this 2 times until all 10 games are complete.

Start Time:
    1. Games to start at 7pm on dates listed on schedule page.
    2. If you cannot make a game on the dates listed on the schedule page, you must contact your opponent and rearrange the game before the final week of the schedule. You must play the rearranged game at The Liberal Club and nowhere else.

On play off night, all players will be seeded to their regular season format. 1 point per game win. A possible 15 points per match. All points are added up and the top seeded player will play the 16th seed player, 2nd seed with play the 15th seed, 3rd will play the 14th seed, etc, etc.

  • Best of 7 (A, B, & C Divisions). Format follows season format of 2-501, 2-cricket, 2-501, 1-cricket.
  • Best of 5 (D & Women's Division). Format follows season format of 2-501, 2-cricket, 1-501.

All games to be scored on Dart Connect.

Starting the game:
    1. The home player has the option to throw first at the bullseye.
    2. Closet to the bullseye throws first game and from there you throw alterative games.
    3. If both players hit a single bull or a double bull you must throw again to determine who throws the game first.
    4. If you have a bounce out the player will throw again.
    5. If your opponent knocks your dart out of the dartboard you both throw again.
    6. If your opponent Robin Hoods your dart the scorer will remove the dart and you will throw it again.
    7. If the first player throws a single or double bull the second thrower has the choice of whether he/she wants it pulled out of the dartboard to have a clearer shot.
    8. The scorer shall determine who is closer to the bullseye. The scorer may not touch the darts to determine the winner. If the scorer is unsure both players have to throw again at the bullseye.

Players Age:
All players must be aged 21 or older as you are in a place that serves alcoholic beverages.

Promoted to a higher or lower division:
All players in any of the divisions can be promoted to the next highest division. "ONLY" if the bottom players of the higher division have lower statistics then yours. This is determined by both your cricket and 501 calculated together to determine who has the higher statistics.

    1. A player must not touch their darts until the scorer and you have agreed on the score.
    2. If the player pulls their darts from the dartboard before the scorer has seen and agreed on the score, the penalty will be a loss of that turns score.
    3. The scorer may tell a player what amount is left, if asked. But, if the scorer is wrong your darts count as is.
    4. It is the players' responsibility to know your own score.


  • Both feet must be behind the throwline. If your opponents are not, then you can ask your scorer to ask you opponent to stand behind it. If the player on their next throw is in front of the throwline the scorer can ask you to throw again. If the player does it a third time you will forfeit that game.

  • Time Limit
  • All darts must be thrown by, and from, the hand. The player is allowed a total of 3 minutes to complete their turn. No darts will be allowed to be thrown after 3 minutes. (IAW ADO General rules #20)

  • Tie Breakers
    In case of a tie at the end of the season, the following tie breaking methods will be used:
      1. If two players are involved in the tie, then the head to head game they played the player who won will win the league.
      2. If there are more than two players involved in a tie then the winner of the most head to head matches will be the winner and if still tied a coin flip on Dart Connect will determine the final winner.
      3. These rules apply to any tie in any position.

    Player Unable to Complete Regular Season & Playoffs:
    This is for anyone who can not complete the season for any reason.
      1. Everyone that has played the player who can not complete the season will receive:
      2. 0 Wins
      3. Their weekly contribution back.
      4. Contributions.
      5. If the player contributed for the entire season but is unable to complete the season they will receive their contribution back for the weeks they are unable to play.
      6. ll contributions paid will be applied to the Playoff Payouts.
      7. The Playoff Bracket will not change. If 16 teams started the season a 16-slot bracket will be used. Any player unable to complete the season will be slotted to Last Position.
      8. League to discuss on how scoring will happen when only 2 players are scheduled to play on a board.

    Player Unable to Complete (1) Regular Season Week before the Playoffs:
    The player unable to make the match:
      1. Received 0 Wins
      2. Contribution still required
    The player able to make the match:
      1. Receives the average wins of his opponent's victors.
      2. Contribution still required
      3. League to discuss how many weeks can be missed before the player is not invited back for the next season.

    Player Unable to Make the Scheduled Night of the Playoffs:
  • The player will be slotted in their earned slot in the bracket.
  • If the player does not show they will forfeit the game and the results will be finalized.

  • Make-Up Weeks:
      1. You can schedule a make up week before or after the week you are scheduled to play if you know ahead of time.

    Rules of the Game:
      1. Players may not remove their darts from the dartboard until player and scorekeeper agree on the score. If player takes his/her darts out of the dartboard without both parties agreement and the player claims they did not receive the correct score, it is the scorekeeper's final decision that stands.
      2. If the scorekeeper enters a score that a player feel is incorrect and your opponent is in agreement that the scorekeeper entered it incorrectly, the scorekeeper must change the players score according to the players determination.
      3. If a player wants to replace a scorekeeper they must ask their opponent first and if there are no objections, you must seek out a committee person and ask them to replace the scorekeeper.

      1. If any person/s is found to be bringing their own alcohol into or on the premises of The Liberal Club they will be subjected to immediate dismissal from The Liberal Club Dart League.
      2. Any player who conducts themselves inappropriately, example: harassment, heckling, bullying or any other display of poor sportsmanship may be subjected to disciplinary action from the league: The league will determine the severity of the misconduct and deduct points from the player's tally of points accumulated throughout the season if the committee deems it appropriate,.
      3. Any acts of violence will not be tolerated for any reason.
      4. Disciplinary action may include banning a player from the league.

    Statistics & League Standings:
    All players' statistics will be on Dart Connect. Plus our website: www.lcdartleague.com/leaguestandings.html

    Schedule & Results:
    All players' schedules & results will be on website: www.lcdartleague.com/scheduleandresults.html


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